Museo San Telmo, Parroquia de San Pedro TelmoHumberto 1o. 340 - Phone 4361-1168
Services: Sunday 9, 10, 11am., and 7pm. Monday to Friday at 8am and 7pm.
Opening hours from March: Saturdays 10am to 1pm; Sundays 3:30pm to 6:30pm. Guided tours: Sundays at 4pm. The tour covers atrium, cloisters, excavations, sacristy, Sibyls collection, the temple and its altars, organ and Foundation Chapel.
It was built in 1734 by Jesuit architects (among them: Andres Bianchi, Juan Primoli and Jose Schmidt, as well as Antonio Masella). At first, it was called the Church of our Lady of Bethlehem and it was in 1806 that it was named after the patron saint of sailors, San Pedro Gonzales Telmo Parish Church. There is a marble table in the sacristy that Bethlehemites would use for operations. This order run the church from 1800 to 1822. They used to live in a building across from the church, where the first School of Medicine was opened, and they attended the sick and wounded during the English Invasions and the epidemic outbreaks.
The Sibyls are a collection of 12 oil paintings dating back to the XVIII century influenced by a Cuzco art school and they are a unique piece in
Argentina. In 2005, they were restored and and they are tart of the church's historic and artistic legacy.
While you are renting an
apartment in Buenos Aires you may visit this Church through the
Subway Line C and exit at Estacion San Juan.
Labels: argentina, buenos aires, buenos aires subway, san telmo, subway